
的 words: "全场紧逼: the official newsletter of the 佛罗里达 State Courts System" over the top of an exterior image of the bottom level of a tall city building




艾莉森·C的大头照. 在一个书柜和佛罗里达州的国旗前

Allison C. Sackett

自从我上次演讲以来, 法官, 法院工作人员, 国家法院行政官办公室工作人员, 和州法院系统委员会一直在为2023年的定期立法会议做准备, 3月7日召开的会议. We have all been working to support the State Courts System’s legislative budget request and providing and presenting relevant information to the legislature. 在第五周, the House and Senate both passed their FY 2023-24 state budget proposals and are preparing to enter a budget conference to resolve the differences between the two chambers’ budget proposals. 目前, both chambers proposed a salary increase for state employees, funding for 20 full-time employees for trial courts to employ a deputy technology officer in each 电路, and funding for the trial courts’ Pandemic Recovery Plan. 会议将于5月5日结束, and we will relay the FY 2023-24 budget once the governor signs it into law.

尽管每年的这个时候,立法会议可能是许多谈话的主题, the State Courts System is busy with training events, 指导新的法院工作人员, and providing educational opportunities for 法官 and others.

新年伊始, 1月1日, 第六区域上诉法院开庭,欢迎九名法官到庭. Chief Justice Muñiz also ushered in the new year and addressed some of the issues facing our courts at the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court Historical Society’s Supreme Evening annual event. 就像我们向新年问好一样, we said farewell to several members of our court family, 包括最高法院法官里奇·波尔斯顿. We appreciate his decades-long service to the courts and 佛罗里达’s residents. We also said goodbye to the supreme court’s first-ever reporter of decisions, 吉姆·罗格, who retired after more than 40 years of service to the supreme court.

在不断变化的法律环境中,继续教育始终是法院的优先事项, 在过去的几个月里,全州有很多培训机会. 这些机会包括在基西米的佛罗里达法院人事研究所, in-person and virtual certified mediation training courses, and an orientation to the Office of the State Courts Administrator for many of the new Trial Court Administrators from the 第一司法巡回法院 to the 第十一司法巡回法院. New trial 法官 also attended the 佛罗里达 Judicial College, 在一月及三月分两阶段举行, 新的上诉法官参加了塔拉哈西的新上诉法官项目, 也是在三月. 的se programs are required for all 法官 and create a foundation to help them succeed in their new roles.

展望夏天, 我们期待更多的教育机会, such as the annual conferences for all levels of the State Courts System and welcoming a new justice to the supreme court bench. None of these accomplishments would be possible without you all, 我的同事们, 以及你们为在州法院系统中提供卓越服务所做的不懈努力. 感谢您对佛罗里达州司法部门的目标和未来的坚定承诺. I look forward to many more inspiring seasons working alongside you.




When the 第六区域上诉法院 was created, several of 佛罗里达’s appellate districts were restructured, which resulted in changes in the number of 法官 on the benches of the 第二个 and 第五 区域上诉法院. 的 redistricting is based on the criteria of effectiveness, 效率, 获得上诉复审, 和专业精神在佛罗里达州的上诉区概述 佛罗里达 Rules of General Practice and Judicial 政府PDF下载. 结果是, 15 法官 now serve on the bench of the 第二个 District Court of Appeal, 另有12人在第五区域上诉法院任职. Nine 法官 serve on the 第六区域上诉法院.

来填满九个座位, Governor DeSantis recommissioned one 第六区域上诉法院 judge from the 第二个 and five from the 第五 district courts of appeal. 其余三名法官是从第九和第十三巡回法院任命的. 法官们选出梅雷迪思·L. 萨索 the chief judge of the new court at their first conference.


如欲了解更多有关第六区域上诉法院法官的资料,请浏览 法院网站.

的 recommissioning of 法官 created four vacancies on the bench of the 第五区上诉法院. Those vacancies were filled with the following appointments.


吴志强法官. 淅淅沥沥
  • 从第四巡回法院任命
  • 由普特南县法院任命
  • 从第十五巡回法院任命
  • Former chairman of the 佛罗里达 Gaming Control Commission

有关第五区域上诉法院法官的详情,请浏览 法院网站.

州长的网站 列出所有目前的法院空缺, 包括因法官升任地区法院而造成的初审法院空缺. 


的 reporter of decisions is responsible for reviewing all decisions rendered by the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court, ensuring all references are present and correctly cited, and the decision is ready for release to the public. 他们是要检查的最后一双眼睛,也是发布前编辑决策的最后机会.

Man standing in front of a bronze cast of Lady Justice with an American and 佛罗里达 flag on either side of the sculpture


的 role of the reporter of decisions varies from state to state; some state supreme courts have entire teams devoted to preparing decisions for all appellate cases before they are released, some have individuals whose sole job is to meticulously review and edit decisions of only the supreme court, and some states have no reporter of decisions at all. 短短的31年前, 判决记录员成为佛罗里达州最高法院的正式职位.

吉姆·罗格, the recently retired reporter of decisions and the first person to officially hold the role at the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court, sat down for an interview for the 全场紧逼 and reflected on his 45-year career at the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court, the evolution of his position as the reporter of decisions, and how a regular reviewer of legal documents plans to enjoy his retirement. 尽管吉姆最初于2012年退休, he returned to the supreme court in 2013 as a central staff attorney and returned to his former role as the reporter of decisions in 2017. His second retirement from the supreme court was effective December 31, 2022.

Jim earned his bachelor’s degree from 佛罗里达 State University. 在决定他的本科学习时, 他开始主修英语, as he was surrounded by newspaper journalists growing up. 然而, Jim always knew he wanted to attend law school and found that political science would better fit his future. 在获得政治学学位后, Jim attended the University of 佛罗里达 College of Law, 他在那里获得了法学博士学位.

Justice Boyd's official court portrait, wearing judge's robes


作为一名新律师,吉姆开始担任小约瑟夫·亚瑟·博伊德法官的研究助理. 1977年,在塔拉哈西的最高法院大楼开始了他45年的职业生涯. He worked for Justice Boyd until his retirement from the court in 1987. Justice Boyd served as chief justice from 1984-1986, 在担任首席大法官期间,吉姆开始准备发布最高法院的判决. 在80年代, Jim would print each decision and manually review the work, 从最高法院的图书馆里拿出一摞书,里面全是佛罗里达州的法律和历史案例, 用红笔标记任何必要的编辑.

博伊德法官退休后, Jim worked from 1986-1992 with Chief Justices Parker Lee McDonald, 雷蒙德·埃利希, 利安德·J. Shaw, preparing decisions to be released to the public. 1992年,罗斯玛丽·巴克特大法官成为佛罗里达州最高法院第一位女性首席大法官, 她看到了对最高法院工作人员中的一些职位进行重组和正规化的机会. Chief Justice Barkett saw Jim’s role as vital support for the Court and formalized it as a reporter of decisions.

Although the supreme court began modernizing and implementing word processors to make tasks like reporting decisions or writing memos more efficient, Jim found he preferred to continue carefully reviewing the decisions using a printed copy and a red pen. When asked about what his daily routine looked like, 吉姆谦虚地说,他的职位“类似于期刊出版物的学术编辑”,” he added that much of what he checks and edits are “case references, ensuring citations’ [correctness] and proper formatting.”

罗斯玛丽·巴克特法官 smiling and looking into the distance


他的职业生涯都在公共服务领域, he reflected on the role of 律师 in the justice system. 他指出 that often 律师 are thought of as only on the front lines, 在法庭上辩论案件, 但幕后有很多律师, 支持法官工作, 法官, and justice partners as he did in his roles at the supreme court. 他说,他的工作“在任何情况下都是有回报的”,而不仅仅是那些影响重大、引人注目的事情.

Jim reflected on his 45-year career serving 佛罗里达’s residents as part of the judicial system as a perfect fit for him. He is known to be thoughtful and meticulous in every aspect of his life and shared that attention to detail kept him motivated throughout the years. 在关闭, 他说, “我很感谢法院给我机会为公众服务,并成为司法系统的一部分.他计划好好享受退休后的时光,好好读读书,和孙子们呆在一起.

Chief Justice Muñiz Speaks at 至高无上的夜晚 2023

Man speaking behind a podium in front of a blue curtain backdrop

首席大法官卡洛斯?. Muñiz在至尊晚会上发言

Annually, the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court Historical Society hosts the event, 至高无上的夜晚, 协助“履行其使命,教育公众了解法院极为重要的工作.“通常, the Historical Society holds the event in January and, 通过它的编程, 迎接新年. 2023年“至尊之夜”于1月26日在佛罗里达州的邓拉普冠军俱乐部举行 州立大学的 多克坎贝尔体育场. 今年, 佛罗里达州最高法院首席大法官Muñiz发表了“法院状况”演讲, 《bg视讯官方平台》记者梅丽莎·科恩和詹妮弗·莱维茨是此次活动的主角. Ms. 科恩夫妇. 莱维茨因写这本书而闻名 不可接受:特权,欺骗 & 大学招生丑闻的制作 and discussed their coverage of the varsity blues admissions scandal. 的 Historical Society also welcomed Justice Renatha Francis after she joined the supreme court bench in September 2022.

Justice Renatha Francis smiling at the camera wearing a nametag on her lapel, 背景中有说话模糊的人

Justice Renatha Francis attending a Supreme Evening

许多法学家出席了会议,支持历史学会,并欣赏了各种各样的演讲. 在他的法庭陈述中, 首席大法官Muñiz反思了美国最高法院面临的一些普遍问题. 他指出, “We would be naive to think the overall environment in which the courts are operating now won’t affect the people’s view of courts generally, 包括州法院.” He continued his address by providing a brief state of the judiciary and reminded attendees that “our views are not monolithic,” and it is essential to keep the whole picture in mind so 佛罗里达’s residents may continue to have a “strong” and “vibrant” judiciary for decades into the future.

这一事件与年度会议同时举行 公益奖项当天早些时候,在最高法院的法庭上举行了仪式. 共颁发了7个公益奖项, and numerous jurists were honored for their contributions to ensuring the availability of legal services to Floridians of limited means. 在每一份报告的介绍中,都明显体现了反思的持久主题.




佛罗里达州最高法院法官里奇·波尔斯顿于2023年3月31日辞去法官职务. Justice Polston served on the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court from 2008 until 2023 and served as chief justice from 2012 to 2014. 在他给德桑蒂斯州长的辞职信中, 波斯顿法官写道, “It is my great honor to serve the people of 佛罗里达 in the judiciary for over 22 years … I truly am grateful for the opportunity to work with such great jurists, 律师, 以及所有与司法有关的人.”

1975年,他获得佛罗里达州立大学会计学学士学位, 在那里,他被评为该校最优秀的会计专业学生,并以最优等的成绩毕业. After working in private practice as an accountant for seven years, he returned to 佛罗里达 State University to attend law school. In 1986, 他以优异的成绩获得佛罗里达州立大学法学院的法学博士学位. He subsequently spent 14 years in private practice until Governor Jeb Bush appointed him to the First District Court of Appeal in 2001. After seven years on the bench of the First District Court of Appeal, Governor Charlie Crist appointed him to the supreme court in 2008.

Justice Polston’s 15 years at the supreme court were marked by many challenges and successes that continue to impact the judicial branch today. When the 法官 selected him as chief justice for a term beginning in 2012, the courts were managing a backlog of foreclosure cases resulting from the 2008 foreclosure crisis and the Great Recession. 这是对他担任首席大法官时期的反思, he noted that “the foreclosure crisis — hundreds of thousands of cases flooding the courts during an economic cataclysm — was an incredible challenge. This was particularly so as I came to understand how imprecise and incomplete was our ability to have an aged accounting for those cases statewide. We took steps to gather accurate, timely information to guide our response.”

Justice Polston raises his hand on the left side of the image while Justice Canady reads aloud from a paper in the right side of the image


2013年,超过33万起止赎案件在佛罗里达州法院悬而未决. 在2008年之前,每年通常只有7万起止赎案件. 在波尔斯顿法官的领导下, the court system was successful in advocating for an appropriation from the legislature of more than $21 million to assist the judicial branch in addressing the workload. Accurate data and the accompanying technological practices, 比如强制性的电子归档, 解决止赎危机成为了波尔斯顿担任首席大法官期间的重点.

在他担任首席大法官之前, 波尔斯顿法官于2009年担任司法部门治理研究小组主席. 该小组就改善司法部门的管理提出了几项建议, one of which was the reactivation of the 司法管理委员会, as its previous iteration was temporarily suspended in 2008.

当他在2012年成为首席大法官时, 波尔斯顿法官第四次改组了司法管理委员会. 11年后,同一个安理会- -有了新的成员- -今天继续其工作. When Justice Polston was preparing for the reestablished Council, he considered its previous iterations and limited its membership to 15 voting members representing all levels of the judicial system. 成员数量减少的目的是确保安理会能够迅速和灵活地对问题作出反应.

Justice Polston stands at the front of the Supreme Court Courtroom addressing a full room of people facing away from the camera

Justice Polston gives a presentation in the Supreme Court Courtroom

在第一次会议期间, Chief Justice Polston led the group through a detailed introduction with a significant takeaway: the Council would focus on “looking forward” to identify issues before they impact the branch. 在那次会议上, Chief Justice Polston painted the 司法管理委员会 as the “headlights” for the judicial branch, an image still used to describe the Council 11 years later. Justice Canady discussed the importance of the Council when he was chief justice: “的 larger purpose of the current version of the [Council] is described by 瑞奇·波尔斯顿法官’s memorable and apt phrase as the judicial branch’s headlights, shining on the road ahead to alert the branch’s leadership to possible hazards and showing the best way forward.”

现任首席大法官卡洛斯. Muñiz认为波尔斯顿法官是“一个好人”, 他一直是我宝贵的同事, 朋友, 也是最高法院所有人的榜样. 我们感谢波尔斯顿法官几十年来对我们州人民的模范服务.“波尔斯顿法官的服务将对司法部门产生持久的影响. Through his leadership during the foreclosure crisis, the re-establishment of the 司法管理委员会, and the transition to mandatory e-filing in 佛罗里达’s courts, 他对司法部门如何为该州居民服务的影响每天都能感受到.

Justice Polston’s entire life is marked by service to others. He has been married to his wife, Deborah Ehler Polston, for 45 years. 的y have ten children, six of whom are an adopted sibling group. “I am grateful for the public trust placed in me during my judicial career. It has been my great honor to serve the people of 佛罗里达,” 他说.  在他从最高法院辞职后, Justice Polston will begin a new role as General Counsel and Chief Legal Officer at Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.

Justice Polston stands at a podium on a stage in front of a group of seated people in academic robes underneath a huge hanging seal of 佛罗里达 State University and a lit sign reading "College of Law"



Social media graphic promoting a free mediation certification training

1月23日, 24, 30, 《bg视讯》31部, 佛罗里达, the 第五司法巡回法院 offered a free mediation certification course to prepare new volunteer mediators to join the 第五司法巡回法院’s ranks. Mediation helps parties resolve disputes such as dissolution of marriage (divorce) or small claims in a non-adversarial manner with the help of a neutral party such as a mediator or parenting coordinator.

作为先决条件, the 12 soon-to-be mediators observed a county court mediation in an active case in the 第五司法巡回法院. 在中介观察会话之后, 他们参加了为期四天的课程, 提供24小时的培训. 的 event was led by 第五司法巡回法院 mediation staff, 争议解决中心培训师, 以及佛罗里达大学的工作人员. All 12 participants completed the course and are finalizing their requirements before becoming certified mediators.


Graduates of the 第五司法巡回法院’s mediation training

成为经过认证的调解员, 需要24至40小时的初始培训, 取决于所寻求的认证类型. 为了保持认证,每年需要16小时的持续调解员培训. Alternative dispute resolution professionals include mediators, 仲裁员, 以及育儿和老年人护理协调员, and each alternative dispute resolution professional has different requirements to obtain certification. 目前有 佛罗里达州有超过6000名认证调解员.

For more information about how to become a certified alternative dispute resolution professional or where to access certified training, 看到 替代性争议解决网页 佛罗里达法院网站.

法官' Continuing 教育 教育 Requirements are Changing

的 佛罗里达 Court 教育 Council provides oversight on the development and maintenance of educational opportunities for 佛罗里达’s 法官 and court personnel. 成员们定期开会讨论预算, 编程, 以及有关法院教育的政策,并向最高法院提出政策建议. 首席大法官卡洛斯?. Muñiz是理事会现任主席. 最高法院责成理事会将其政策汇编成一本手册, 理事会提交了一份手册供审查. 法院通过了一些修改, and the new 佛罗里达 Court 教育 Council Policies Manual was released on February 2 and is attached to 行政命令 AOSC23-08PDF下载. 的 manual compiles the various policies created within the 佛罗里达 Court 教育 Council and includes the changes outlined in the 的意见 the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court issued on the same date. 的 的意见PDF下载 修正规则2.320 of the 佛罗里达 Rules of General Practice and Judicial 政府, 哪个是关于继续司法教育的.


  • Fifteen hours of 法官’ continuing judicial education credits must be completed through conference-sponsored events. Conference-sponsored events include the 佛罗里达 Judicial College, 高级司法研究学院, 交通裁决实验室, 处理死刑案件课程, 司法人员培训, 以及各种司法会议提供的年度法院教育项目.
  • 的 remaining 15 hours of continuing judicial education may be earned through distance learning opportunities or any other approved courses.
  • Distance learning opportunities no longer need to be “live” and interactive.
  • 的 required attendance at the 佛罗里达 Judicial College and the 新Appella评委计划 counts toward the 30-hour continuing judicial education requirement. 

除了审查和修改佛罗里达法院教育委员会政策手册, 法院批准了2023年版本的 Comprehensive Plan for 政府 of the Court 教育 Trust Fund,它也附在 AOSC23-08PDF下载.  的se changes encourage connection among 法官 and provide an opportunity to learn from in-person instruction and judicial peers.

行政命令 AOSC23-08PDF下载 additionally terminates the pandemic-era 行政命令 AOSC20-29PDF下载 that “suspended restrictions on the number of continuing judicial education credits that may be obtained by sitting 法官 through distance learning or through non-conference sponsored 编程 for the current judicial education reporting period.” 的 行政命令 is effective June 30, 2023.

的 lifting of restrictions on the number of continuing education credits a judge can receive in a virtual and non-conference setting was established in 行政命令PDF下载 AOSC20-29由当时的终审法院首席法官陈嘉礼. Canady as a temporary measure to ensure the courts continued to operate during the COVID pandemic to the “fullest extent,” which included maintaining rigorous continuing judicial education while implementing measures to safeguard public safety. 所有在6月30日之前获得的远程学习和非会议学分都将被接受.

All of 佛罗里达’s 法官 are required to complete 30 approved hours of continuing judicial education every three years to stay abreast of changes in law and policy and grow their judicial knowledge in specialized areas. 法官 may select the courses they complete as long as they are approved, but courses are offered to support 法官 in various divisions. 例如, 2021-22财年, the 佛罗里达 Court 教育 Council provided oversight on educational opportunities such as “Managing Personality Disorders in and out of Family Court,” “100 Supreme Court Cases That Every Judge (and Lawyer) Should Know,和“死刑案件定罪后”.” 的 variety of courses helps 法官 stay current on various topics and allows them to focus on issues that impact their work the most.



Continuing Judicial 教育 is mandatory in 佛罗里达 by court rule. When a new trial court judge is elected or appointed, they have one calendar year from the date of their selection to complete their initial education requirements through the 佛罗里达 Judicial College program. 的 佛罗里达 Judicial College is separated into two main phases and is taught by some of the state’s most experienced 法官 and faculty. 在这两个阶段之间, 课程包括一个深入的方向, 试训技能课程, 模拟审判经历, and various intensive law courses to prepare them for their new role.

Phase I of the 佛罗里达 Judicial College occurred in early January, 有50名来自县里的评委, 电路, 上诉法院也参加了. 出席会议的还有12名地方法官和3名听证官, 因为他们在大学里有自己的赛道.  所有与会者都参加了由前佛罗里达州最高法院法官C. 艾伦·劳森题为《作为一名法官.与会者磨练了他们的审判技巧, 参与模拟审判, 参加交流, 心理健康, 以及由来自全州的法官和司法官员领导的健康课程.

Phase II was held in March, with 106 法官 in attendance. 法官, 法官, and hearing officers participated in intensive law classes, covering judicial fundamentals in various divisions, 道德, 蔑视, 和更多的. 计划的最后一天以裁判官和听证官学院为特色, 有53位来自全州的参会者. 他们参加了有关最佳实践的课程, 家庭暴力, and evidence while their new colleagues attended the final day of Phase II.


When a new appellate judge is appointed to a district court of appeal or a new justice is appointed to the supreme court, 他们在被选入该法院后有两年时间完成新上诉法官项目. 另外, a new appellate judge that has not previously served on a trial court or completed Phase I of the 佛罗里达 Judicial College must also complete Phase I.

While many trial 法官 attended Phase II of the Judicial College in Orlando, 新上诉法官聚集在塔拉哈西参加新上诉法官项目. 的y split the program between the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court Building and the First District Court of Appeal Courthouse. 法官, 职员, and other experienced educators presented courses on appellate jurisdiction, 法定解释, 意见写, 以及其他相关话题. 七名地区法院上诉法官和法官Renatha Francis参加了为期四天的活动. 的 新Appella评委计划 allows new 法官 and 法官 to learn from their peers and connect over timely judicial conversation. This program had judicial representatives from every district court of appeal teaching courses on the various issues appellate 法官 will face in their new roles and providing a first-hand perspective on the daily routine of an appellate judge in 佛罗里达.   

更多关于司法教育的信息,请访问法院教育网页 佛罗里达法院网站 或看到 规则2.320PDF下载 of the 佛罗里达 Rules of General Practice and Judicial 政府.

Group photo of 12 people smiling at the camera in front of a brick wall

第十七司法巡回法院 attendees at the 佛罗里达 Judicial College


Children's Bureau logo; three children silhouettes in front of the stripes of an American flag

儿童局 is a federal agency that seeks to “improve the safety, 永久的事物, 以及儿童和家庭的福祉.“定期, the 儿童局 performs Child and Family 服务 Reviews, 在所有50个州,哪些是关于儿童和家庭福祉的质量保证审计. 审计的目的是:

  • determine conformity with federal child welfare requirements;
  • learn about the experiences of children, youth, and families receiving child welfare services; and
  • 协助各国提高能力,帮助儿童和家庭取得积极成果.

继2001年、2008年和2016年之后,佛罗里达州将于2024年进行第四次此类审查. Several stakeholders met with key 儿童局 representatives in mid-March to discuss ways to engage 佛罗里达’s legal and judicial communities in the review process. 与会者包括:

  • 的 Honorable Renatha Francis, 佛罗里达 Supreme Court Justice
  • 第十七届巡回司法法官jos Izquierdo,抚养法庭改进小组主席
  • Allison Sackett,州法院行政官
  • 埃里克·麦克卢尔,州法院副行政官
  • 约翰·库奇,家事法庭办公室主任
  • 卡丽·托伊,法院改进项目主任兼家庭法院办公室运营经理
  • Shevaun Harris, Department of Children and Families Secretary

bg视讯官方平台的家庭法院办公室设有一个小组,重点关注 bg视讯改进计划 提供培训, 技术援助, 和数据支持的依赖判断, 法官, 以及全州的法院工作人员. 的 Court Improvement Program team submits annual self-assessments to the 儿童局 outlining safety and 永久的事物 as well as the Child and Family 服务 Review.  

For more information about Child and Family 服务 Reviews,请访问 this 儿童事务局网页. For more information about bg视讯改进计划,请访问 the 佛罗里达法院网站.

Trial Court Administrator Farewell and Hello in the 第一司法巡回法院

罗宾·米. 赖特在第一巡回法院工作了32年,将于5月退休, 包括16年的初审法院行政官.



While serving as a senior deputy court administrator, Ms. Wright facilitated the development and implementation of several drug courts, 包括两名成人, 一个父, 还有一个少年法庭. 的se administrative achievements made her an ideal candidate for the 第一司法巡回法院’s Trial Court Administrator position in 2007.

Ms. Wright oversaw many advancements to the 第一司法巡回法院’s facilities and processes during her tenure, 包括新奥卡卢萨县法院和法院附属大楼的开幕, the opening of the new Santa Rosa County Courthouse, 以及两个幼儿法庭的发展. 

得沃森 sitting in a chair looking away from the camera


她在几个委员会任职, 包括初审法庭预算委员会, the Steering Committee on Families and Children in the Courts, 解决问题法院指导委员会, 赡养法庭改善小组, 以及法庭口译员认证委员会. 她在这些不同的委员会任职期间, 基于她在第一司法巡回法院的行政经验,她提供了宝贵的见解. She is also an active community member and served on various local boards and councils during her time with the 电路. Ms. 赖特将于5月退休, 她的继任者, 得沃森, is working alongside her to prepare for the transition.

得沃森, 现任初审法院副行政官, has served in the 第一司法巡回法院 since 2004. 从2004年到2012年,她. 沃森担任公司律师. In 2012, 她被提升为监督职员律师和, 后不久, 晋升为总法律顾问. She holds an undergraduate degree in journalism from Auburn University and a Juris Doctorate from Emory University.


Chief Justice Muñiz sits at a long table smiling, next to two others

首席大法官卡洛斯?. Muñiz speaks with the new trial court administrators

2月28日和3月1日, seven of the eight new trial court administrators joined 国家法院行政官办公室工作人员 at the 佛罗里达 Supreme Court Building in Tallahassee for an orientation on administrative matters. 新的初审法院行政人员来自第一, 第二个, 第五, 第六, 第八, 十一, 和第十八巡回法院出席了为期两天的完整议程.

Each of 佛罗里达’s 20 judicial 电路s has a trial court administrator that assists the chief judge in carrying out the myriad administrative duties required to ensure effective court operations. 如《佛罗里达州全科实践和司法管理规则》所述, trial court administrators are selected by the chief judge and subject to concurrence by a majority vote of all the 电路 and county 法官 of that 电路.

迎新期间, the group discussed various administrative matters and met with Office of the State Courts Administrator staff members who would serve as resources when addressing administrative concerns. 此外,初审法院的行政人员还分享了有关初审法院面临的问题的信息.



访问包括首席法官Muñiz的欢迎和参观最高法院大楼. 在演讲期间, the group discussed the court committee structure and how to be a part of it, 技术及其在法庭上的应用, 司法鉴定需要过程, 以及其他一些相关的话题.

在讨论和演讲之间, the administrators took a deep breath and met courthouse dog Sharon, who stole the hearts of the trial court administrators and (with help from Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare Animal 的rapy Program representatives) taught them how courthouse dogs are used in the 第二个 Judicial Circuit. 在很多情况下, Sharon helps comfort children who may need to testify in complex, 感人的诉讼,给法庭参与者和法院工作人员都带来了微笑.

整体, the group enjoyed a forum to share experiences from their courts and connect with their peers over similar challenges and solutions in trial courts statewide.



马克一世法官. 谢姆斯学院领导奖

马克一世法官. 谢姆斯学院领导奖

马克一世法官. 谢姆斯学院领导奖

Keith Schenk,总裁判官
马克一世法官. 谢姆斯学院领导奖

马克一世法官. 谢姆斯学院领导奖

贾森法官. Nimeth
Barry University Law School Judicial Excellence Wall of Fame



威廉·米. Hoeveler司法专业奖

基思·杜博斯,伊斯特摩尔·克劳威尔 & DuBose P. A.

罗伯特W. 巴顿杰出法学家奖
希尔斯堡县律师协会, Young Lawyers Division



基森法官. Frink


2023 Tobias Simon公益服务奖

荣誉法官A. Jay Cristol
U.S. 破产法院,佛罗里达州南区
2023 Chief Justice’s Distinguished Federal Judicial Service Award

2023 Chief Justice’s Distinguished Judicial Service Award

Bilzin Sumberg

2023 Chief Justice’s Voluntary Bar Association Award

Irina Shabetayev
2023 的 佛罗里达 Bar Young Lawyers Division Pro Bono Service Award

要查看 的 佛罗里达 Bar President’s Pro Bono Service A病房,请访问 佛罗里达律师协会网站

2022年12月1日- 2023年4月10日





杰米·L法官. Tyndal





约翰·J法官. Parnofiello

斯蒂芬妮法官. 努力工作





吴志强法官. 淅淅沥沥


乔舒亚法官. 麦斯

贾瑞德法官. 史密斯

基思F法官. 白色

